New hair color ♥ P&P ♥ (Purple&Pink)

Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna show you my super cute mermaid little pony hair colour! I love it so much above all because I made it myself! Bwahahaha 
I deep dyed my hair from pastel purple to pink. So freaking cute! 

Let me show you how I did this color~~
I used flamingo pink from La riche and violet from Pravana ♥
For obtain this color you need a very light blonde.
First of all tone your blonde hair with purple because the pink turns to peach-orange pink on it.
How can tone you hair with the purple?
Add a tiny bit of purple in a bowl and mix it with a lot of conditioner you don't need purple hair so be careful you need just a little tiny bit of colour!
After toned your hair wash and dry it.

Now you need two bowls and two brushes. One for lilac and one for pink ♥
The color I used are darker. I bought it because I can diluite it for make a lighter color so the bottle be last longer.

Can you see how dark is the purple?
So now in a bowl add a lot of conditioner and mix it with a hint of purple till the colour turns to dark lilac.
You need one tone darker color because on the hair it is lighter.
In another bowl add half a teaspoon of pink and mix with the conditioner untill you obtain a bubblegum pink.
Start applying the lilac on the roots of your hair, with the other brush apply the pink on the lenght of your hair and brush with wide-toothed comb for make the colour more uniform. Keep apply the colors on your hair section by section. 
Now wait from twenty to a sixty minutes. 
And that's it ♥

Here's the result! Do you like it?
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial ♥

See you next time ♥



  1. Oh, your new hair color looks adorable! :o

    I keep saying someday I will do the same. But I'm too much of a coward lol :a

    It suits you so well!!

    - Abi

  2. It's absolutely such a cute color! I really love the pink purple hair <3 thank you for sharing how to get the color :D

  3. @Misa LeeI'm glad you enjoyed it!:t

  4. This pink color is so pretty! :o
    I discovered your blog today and I think it's really interesting and cute!
    Keep up the good work ^^

  5. wow... you have such a cute blog, I never seen these emotion icon on other blogs before!

    Would you like to follow each other on Bloglovin and GFC? Take a look into my blog and let me know!

  6. @YomiOh sure! Your blog is really cute too!:d

  7. Nice post! I love your hair! would you like to follow each other with GFC and Bloglovin?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  8. Waaah such a beautiful colour! It really suits you~ thanks for sharing the tutorial as well, I might not be brave enough to dye all my hair pink, but I would like to try a pink dip dye one day^-^ x

    If you have a minute come check out my blog~ also if you'd like to follow eachother on Bloglovin or GFC let me know and I'll follow you back:D x

  9. It's so adorable~!!
    You look amazing c:

    Thank you for checking out my blog~! I'm following you back~ ^o^

  10. @Born2cuteThank you! Your blog is so cute :e

  11. Beautiful pictures :)

    Ina :*

  12. Lovely Blog :)
    Enjoyed reading the Posts. Completely in LOVE with your HAir!
    I am following you now. Please follow back too and return the support xx
    Red Alice

  13. I love the ombre look <3 I wish I could dye my hair!!

  14. This a a really wonderful blog and i'm glad to have found it!
    Love the pink hair! :)


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