Little illustration in Ecoline

Hi everyone! I made another video and I wanted to write more details here about this illustration.
I painted it with ecoline. Ecoline is from Talens a brand that produce art supplies, but these ones are special because they are watercolours that come in a liquid formula, They've always been my favourite watercolours ever because they are super transparent and the colors are very bright and vivid. But they also have a lot of flaws since they are not lightfast and they are not staining at all which means that it's a little bit difficult to work with layers. But this is also a nice thing because it means that they can easly be lifted from the paper if you make mistakes. Should I make a detailed review about these watercolours?If you are interested write a comment below ♥

Now let's jump to the very important stuff: what I used to make this illustration.

The paper is Canson Montval 300gsm 100% cellulose.
For the skintone I mixed deep ochre (407) with pastel rose (390) and a little bit of prussian blue (508). For the blue-green shadows I mixed bronze green (657) with ultramarine light (505). For the violetish shadows I mixed cold grey (717) with pastel rose. For the hair I mixed the prussian blue with a little bit of pastel rose. To intesify the cheeks and the nose I used pure pastel rose. 
For the clothes I used the cold gray. To give some dimension to the colour I added here and there pastel rose and the blue-green mixed before.For the roses I used pastel rose and for the leaves I used bronze green.For the background I used gold ochre (231). So I basically used : BRONZE GREEN (657) DEEP OCHRE (407), GOLDEN OCHRE (231), PASTEL ROSE (390), PRUSSIAN BLUE (508), ULTRAMARINE LIGHT (505), COLD GREY (717). 
To outline the drawing I used a micron pen and for the highlights I used a white uniposca with the fine tip.

That's it for today see you soon.

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